Gamesultan Özel Sosyal Medya Projesi! Etkileşim; ve satışları artırmak için Dünya Kupası sırasında partnerimiz Game Sultan için özel bir sosyal medya projesi oluşturduk. Bunun için Game Sultan altındaki markalar ve oyunlar arasında kendi dünya kupamızı yarattık ve sosyal medyada bir etkinlik başlattık. Her defasında 2 oyunu karşı karşıya getirdik ve Game Sultan taraftarlarından oy istedik. Kampanya çok başarılıydı, öyleki oyun şirketleri bile sosyal medya sayfalarından duyurdular ve oyuncularını Game Sultan’a yönlendirdiler.

Game Sultan Özel Sosyal Medya Projesi

Oyunlar arasındaki dünya kupası etkinliği 28 Haziran – 16 Temmuz tarihleri arasında Game Sultan Facebook ve Instagram sayfalarında yapıldı. Dünya Kupası konseptine benzer şekilde, Oyun Sultan Facebook sayfasından seçilen oyunlar arasında bir turnuva düzenlendi. Bu turnuvada takipçiler, Game Sultan ekibi tarafından belirlenen maçlarda emojiyi kullandılar ve kazanmak istedikleri oyunlara oy verdi. Bu projenin özelliği ise bütçesiz olarak bu rakamlara ulaşılması idi.

Toplamda bu etkinlik sırasında;

  • 18 Gönderi / Post
  • 29.062 Beğeni
  • 3172 Yorum
  • 118 Paylaşım
  • 318.827 Gösterim
  • 37.571 Tekil Kullanıcı Erişimi
  • 2000 Organik Sayfa Büyümesi

EN: Gamesultan Özel Sosyal Medya Projesi! As Gaming in Turkey Gaming and Esports Agency, we created a special game social media project for Game Sultan during World Cup to increase engagement and sales. For this, we created our own world cup between brands and games and started an event at social media. Every time we faced 2 games each other and requested votes from fans of Game Sultan. The campaign was very successful, even game companies announced from their social media pages and direct their players to Game Sultan.

Games World Cup Event 2018

The world cup event between the games was held between June 28th and July 16th, on Game Sultan Facebook and Instagram pages. Similar to the World Cup concept, a tournament was organized between the games selected through the Game Sultan Facebook page. In this tournament, followers used emojis and votes to the games they wanted to win in the matches determined by the Game Sultan team.

During this event in total;

  • 18 Post Created
  • 29.062 Like at Posts
  • 118 Share
  • 318.827 Impression
  • 37.571 Unique Followers
  • 2000 Organic Page Growth

Game Sultan brand continues to operate as Turkey’s largest e-pin sales portal and makes e-pin distributorship of more than 20 global companies. The portal has more than 1 million members and more than 100 games, and it is the most preferred e-pin sales portal of Turkey with the payment options offered.

Game Sultan is also serving in MENA and European regions outside of Turkey and continues to expand its operations.

As part of an international company, our company follows transactions in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and IAS rules. Turkish Taxation System and THP, and Independent Audit processes provided from Big 4 are carried out in annual and 3 month periods.

Our company; Deloitte and Touche, an independent auditing company called Big 4 by the world, which has been subject to strict audits and Due Diligence during the purchasing process, has led these processes.

Game Sultan is acquired by Razer and from 2019 on Razer will be our partner.

Gamesultan Özel Sosyal Medya Projesi!

Game Sultan Özel Sosyal Medya Projesi

Tags: epin / game social media / game sultan / gamesultan / gaming agency / oyun pazarlama / oyuna özel sosyal medya stratejileri / razer / Special Game Social Media Project